A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:36 am

I thought it was time to have another go for a few wrasse before the real cold weather kicks in.
23rd September; I started off on the north side of the bay armed with a supply of hardback crabs and some mackerel for the distance rod out on the sand. This latter rod produced only 1 pollack at 38cm and one other unproductive bite. The wrasse were a bit more active but far from starving; the water was exceptionally clear and I could see down to the bottom where several ballans, including some sizable fish, could be seen darting right up to the bait and then swimming off without taking a taste. I don’t know what was wrong, perhaps this happens a lot but we don’t see it? However as the tide filled, some of them took the plunge and I ended up with around 10 ballans with several over 2.5lbs and the best bang on 3lb. By now, whatever about the wrasse, I was starving so with a beautiful yellow moon rising, I headed off to the first hot food source I could find.
24th September; A change in wind direction prompted a switch to the south side where I wanted to stock up on some lug for a choice of bait before heading to the mark. The distance rod produced even less than yesterday, not even a bite. (With Christmas in mind, perhaps I need a new rod). Well, I was really after wrasse and it wasn’t too long before the float bobbed before sliding away as something headed for the nearest snag. A nice little 2.5lb ballan was coaxed out and landed. Again, the fish weren’t in a feeding frenzy but a steady trickle of fish eventually added up to 11 ballans in total with the best at 3lb 3oz. Switching to lug produced 4 corkwings for a bit of variety and an extra species for the year as well as the expected small coalfish and pollack. At one point, I was joined by a springer spaniel which was intrigued by my float to the extent that he jumped in and swam out to retrieve it; “I say, waiter, there’s a dog in my swim!” Mid-way through the session a small plane flew over, a high performance biplane, which was jinking and rolling and blasting out a smoke trail at times. You never know what you’ll see when you’re out and about.
A few freshwater trips were followed by a hand injury which required strapping and bandaging at the “Minor” Injuries Unit; how an injury that prevents you fishing can be described as "minor" is beyond me. So it was a couple of weeks before I got out again.
20th October; The plan was to try for a few more wrasse before hitting a beach for a late session. The wrasse were very slow with only three between 1.5lb and 3lb landed and just a few other bites missed or snagged. Off to the beach then and as the last of the surfdudes packed up, I set up, 2 rods for near and far. The near rod registered a bite fairly quickly, a flounder. Sadly this was the first and last, the only other fish was a small coalfish. No other bites either so there wasn’t much action for the next 4 hours. Plenty of time to observe the SAR helicopter with lights blazing flying back and forth, did he think my red and green tiplights were a grounded boat? Later on, a visitor arrived at the water’s edge, a young fox and not a bit shy, he hung around for 10-15 minutes foraging along the water's edge and coming as close as 10 yards from me. I think he was feeding on scraps of discarded bait and fish I had thrown in. The fishing was less than spectacular but various low-flying aircraft and animal life can provide distractions in between. At half past midnight I threw in the towel and set off on the long run home.
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Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:43 am

Just a few more pics.
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Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:28 pm

Very good JW, a few very decent wrasse there
So how did the paw hold up in the end (despite not getting tested too hard..)?
Like the photo-shopped pics lol inc. the big yellow ball thing!.. :shock:
Fished Cushendun beach myself last night, had lots of pin whiting and small coley, crab everywhere too. Got fed up after 2 hours and hit the road! Twas a nice night to be at it though

Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:49 pm

good report as ever JW, it can be more interesting than the fishing sometimes, the stuff you see when out and about - i could see two trawlers devastating galway bay the last time i was out - of course all legal

the pins and the crabs make fishing hard this weather - as does the old weed - but better than sitting in watching the box!

Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:01 pm

chuckaroo wrote:Very good JW, a few very decent wrasse there
So how did the paw hold up in the end (despite not getting tested too hard..)?
Like the photo-shopped pics lol inc. the big yellow ball thing!.. :shock:
Fished Cushendun beach myself last night, had lots of pin whiting and small coley, crab everywhere too. Got fed up after 2 hours and hit the road! Twas a nice night to be at it though

"Photo-shopped"? "PHOTO-SHOPPED"? How dare you Sir, I've a good mind to sue! As for the "Paw", after a couple of hours driving, digging lug and fishing, I think my middle finger may be a little swollen; what do you think?
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Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:16 pm

Yip, it looks swollen. must have had it up your nose, or elsewhere, for too long!

Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:10 pm

Epic fishing report! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I was out last night, fishing Howth, after a few hours collecting bait( lugworm, ragworm, Gaper Clam) Lots of very small bites, just one pin whiting landed.
I love the photographs, especially the finger one!!
Back of the net!!

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Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:41 pm

Great to see you back out after the injury paddy. Some lovely Ballans. And you even trained a dog to help retrieve the fish

Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:48 pm

rushnaldo wrote:Great to see you back out after the injury paddy. Some lovely Ballans. And you even trained a dog to help retrieve the fish

Ha Ha! , if it's not Chuckaroo giving me a hard time....Perhaps instead of a retriever, I could do with a Pointer to find the fish!

Re: A Few Donegal Bay Trips, 23/24 Sept, 20th Oct. 2018

Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:18 am

Your finger doe's look swollen and it would be rude to put two fingers up maybe next someone says something wrong to you ?