Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry

Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:38 pm

Recently spent a week with my mate Craig fishing in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry. Great fun but was very windy for 3 days with blue skies and brilliant bright sunshine for pretty much the whole week. Great for walking but not so great for Pollock, which is what we were mainly after.

Sunday 23rd Sept. Coonanna Pier
Bright sun and strong North wind.
Intended to fish the jetty at Caus Cromb beach but when we arrived there were 2 lads already fishing, well sitting in a van eating and watching their rods anyway. Had a good chat with them then headed off to have a look at Whitestrand beach which is a mile or so away and facing Valentia. Looked like the wind would make it tricky here so eventually settled on Coonanna pier.
Was so windy it was difficult to get the rod up to cast, but gave it a go. Had various Wrasse and a couple of Pollock casting to the North of the pier plus some small flounder from the sand casting straight out (i.e. in line with the length of the pier) and of course a few Dogfish.

Monday. Caus Cromb
Bright sun.
Fished the jetty at Caus Cromb beach. Had a couple of Pollock float fishing and a few Wrasse. At one point was spinning with one rod and bottom fishing with my beachcaster, which was resting against the railings on the pier. Saw a strong bite on the beachcaster so put down my spinning rod and moved over to strike it. In the couple of seconds it took me to get there the rod got pulled horizontal over the railings, with only the reel stopping it from going in completely. I grabbed it just in time and found that I was snagged up. After a bit of walking backwards it freed up and I could feel a fish on. Thinking I was into some kind of monster I was surprised to bring in a decent sized Wrasse of maybe 2 or 3 lbs. Must have taken the bait and bolted for a rock or something – never seen it happen before.
There are normally good Huss out to the left of the Jetty but we had nothing at all. Did see a seal swimming about there so maybe that had something to do with it.
Was a group of French guys fishing much further out from 2 Ribs doing very well on the Pollock.

Bright sun and very strong Southerly wind.
Headed out to Kells bay and ended up fishing from the headland to the right of the pier. Looked like a good spot and there were plenty of Mackerel about (full strings on feathers), which was good news as the ones we had brought with us were getting a bit ropey. Wind made it a bit tricky again.
2 lads turned up and had plenty of Mackerel plus a nice Pollock on float as the tide got towards full. Not much room but they were good guys, so no problem.

Bright sun and no wind.
Went to Rossbeigh Turret (which doesn't exist anymore) hoping for some rays. Was a 50 minute walk to the end of the beach but the channel between Rossbeigh and Inch looked like a very fishy spot.

Got there about an hour before low tide as we had heard it fished best around low water due to the strong current. Craig managed a couple of small flounder before the tide got too strong and we walked back for a well deserved Guiness. One of my beachcasters broke half way up the top section during casting, a Sonik SKS 4-6 oz, which I was not happy about. Had heard of them breaking but it had been fine for 5-6 years.
Not much action but it was a beautiful day to be out.
Went to a supermarket in Cahersiveen when we got back and bumped into the French guys from the Ribs we had seen on Monday. Had a good chat and they told us about a mark they used to fish for Pollock up from Coonanna pier on the right hand (East) side.

More bright sun.
Took a walk to check out the mark the French guys told us about. Looked good but also looked like it got cut off at high tide, which was not that far away. Decided to come back tomorrow when we could have a decent go at it and headed down to Ballinskelligs in the meantime.
Walked to a rock mark just up from the harbour where you can fish between the mainland and Horse Island. This is a good mark with plenty of Pollock about but I think it must be the most uncomfortable place I have ever fished. All the rock strata is twisted so that everything is about 70 degrees to the horizontal making it difficult to sit, stand or move anywhere. Just to make things a bit more frustrating it seemed like I couldn’t do anything without getting snagged, snapped or tangled.
Turned out OK in the end though as Craig had a nice 6 lb Pollock on float and I had one of 5 lb on a jelly worm. We both had a few smaller ones and a couple of dogfish.

Even more bright sun and a strong NE wind.
Fished the mark at Coonanna that the French guys told us about. Seemed a good place with fairly deep water and a very a rough bottom. Think I got snagged just about every cast bottom fishing. Ended up with a few decent Pollock up to 5 lb from bottom fishing and float plus a conger and of course some more dog fish.

All in all was a great week in a beautiful part of the world. Weather was great for being out and about but am sure that we would have caught a lot more with a bit of cloud. Took photos but cannot figure out how to add them - can anyone point me to a post that explains how to do it?

Re: Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry

Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:49 pm

Sounds like a good time was had... Great read, thanks for the report. That was some Wrasse you got!!! I was expecting a hound or ray!! Happy days, nice fishing

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Re: Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry

Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:31 am

Nice report Sly Slee Fly (I can't say that..)
Quite a week with lots of fishing, great stuff

The photos need to be resized before submitting them as original photos will be large and can take up too much space on this website.
There are plenty of free online websites that can resize images for you, its just a matter of getting the specified size e.g. http://resizeimage.net/

I personally use Microsoft Office Picture Manager on the laptop as its dead easy. If you have Microsoft Office Picture Manager then here is a link on how to do it: viewtopic.php?f=63&t=48347&p=372836&hilit=resize+image#p372836

Looking forward to seeing some pics ;)

Re: Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry - Pics

Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:14 pm

Pictures added - hope this works
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Re: Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry

Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:12 pm

[quote="chuckaroo"]Nice report Sly Slee Fly (I can't say that..)

Knowing your stomach I bet you could eat it, it's No. 46 on the menu at my local Chinese takeaway!
Nice report sly sea fly and good to see you've got the hang of putting up pics.

Re: Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry

Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:52 am

nice pollock and a new mark for me to try.

Re: Week in and around Cahersiveen, Kerry

Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:32 pm

There are so many marks around the place if you're based in Cahersiveen is crazy!

Re Kells Bay. Next time drive past the beach and follow the road all the way back. You'll see a dirt road and big wooden gates. There is a pier at the bottom and good fishing to be had for flats. Also you can literally catch anything from the rocks in the spot. Deep water there. Local rumours are of a blue taken off the rocks there years ago.

Ballinaskelligs is obviously a great spot. Head past ballinaskelligs pier and there is a course sandy beach. Can produce nice bass here on lures.

As I type this reply I can't remember if you mentioned rossbeigh! But that is producing nice fish at the mo.