as chuckaroo said maybe blanks are good to report on - so here it goes
was itching to get out and it was so calm that Tuesday I headed south - got onto the beach very flat, not much surf but that's what happens with a few settled day - bonus being no weed - very mild by the sea
hadn't seen the beach in a while few new snags after the storms - first up a flounder about an hour in on the ebb
then the rod bounced - thought I was into a silver fella - the old frozen crab doing the trick - but then it went dead - could def feel the fish on but I was snagged - decided to leave the rod there and address later
on the other rod it bounced slightly and in came a coalie - in the mean time I waded out and could see 3 coalies on the snagged rod
it pretty much was doubles and trebles for the next 2 hours - happy out nothing greater than 33cm but a bit of craic
yesterday could see the weather about to break and thought maybe better coalies were in deeper water - went down to rocks - first cast snagged and lost a pile of line on the ledge - then pulled into 2nd rod and after a few turns the handle broke in my hand - not at the bolt but up the handle - tried to hand line but dead
seen as I was in it persevered with one rod - lug, squid and mack out - didn't loose anymore rigs - but nothing caught - very surprised considering all the coalies just up the road
could see two headlights to the south of me - they were gone within an hour - wonder if they did any better
back to the drawing board