Managed to nip out yesterday for a quick session after Frank. Thank god because I was going stone mad with cabin fever.
Arrived at the deep water Quay just at the end of the ebb. A guy nearby was just after pulling in a nice whiting.
So I was using what bait I had in the freezer. I set up the pulley rig with big black lug while on a flapper I was fishing pieces of squid on one hook and pieces of razor on the other. Water, as expected was heavily coloured.
Even though the ebb tide was nearly done, the tide run was quite strong and I was having trouble keeping bottom with a 6 oz gripper.
I was getting some interest on the lug but nothing on the razor and squid. One of the bites on lug resulted in a nice perfect looking whiting of about a pound.
I saw the guy nearby pulling in another couple of whiting while I was there but I had no more, even after darkness fell and the tide turned.
At this point I was regretting leaving behind a few mackerel heads I had in the freezer because I would have liked to let one down the Quay wall for a conger.
By now we were into the flood and I was all out of lug. For the craic I decided to throw out a huge big bait comprised of a whole squid stuffed with what razor I had left. I had no interest but when I reeled back in it was almost completely gone so I guess the crab activity was pretty severe.
So in terms of fish landed not the best session, but the blank was beaten and by god it was great to get out in the fresh air