Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:20 pm
Plenty at Fenit viaduct this morning. Been there for 15mins, caught around 20 macks and retreat due to crowd.
Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:10 pm
one lost mac today at horse rock in courtmacksherry
Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:48 pm
Plenty of mackeral off the rocks at Balbriggan ,couple of herring mixed in aswell I had ten macks and 2 herring ,between 09:30-11:00
Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:15 pm
Out of interest lads, did mackerel ever show up at the "usual suspects" this year in Cork ? Ballycotton , Youghal, Kennedy Pier on Cobh?
The one evening I went to Ballycotton I had to abandon it because it was so busy
Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:55 pm
shortcircuit wrote:Out of interest lads, did mackerel ever show up at the "usual suspects" this year in Cork ? Ballycotton , Youghal, Kennedy Pier on Cobh?
The one evening I went to Ballycotton I had to abandon it because it was so busy
I never tried any of my inner harbour (Cork) shore marks for mackerel this year. The main reason was that they just were not going to be there.
I do a lot of boat fishing during the summer, 22 launches this year between June and September, and while the mackerel were there they were not there in abundance like other years. You would work hard to pick up enough for a days fishing but they never became a pest while dropping baits to the bottom. If you did get one or two you'd smile and say I'll take that.
To summarise is in two words
we're goosed Post No.4000
Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:43 pm
I don't know what is going on but have caught 3 macks at Dun Laoghaire today around 1 p.m.
My first catch in December... is this quite common?
Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:17 pm
The water is warm enough. I'd say the few big blows recently have sent them off though.
Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:05 pm
papasenseida wrote:I don't know what is going on but have caught 3 macks at Dun Laoghaire today around 1 p.m.
My first catch in December... is this quite common?
December is quite late for the Irish Sea, I remember getting them off Howth in November, can't recall a December
I've caught them regularly in January and the odd one in February in sheltered coves in the west and they disappear for a few months but a good spell of bring sunshine in April or May can bring them in, can be very fickle. Mack strip float fished was the only way to get them, that or a sand eel imitation whipped in fast...
Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:56 pm
papasenseida wrote:I don't know what is going on but have caught 3 macks at Dun Laoghaire today around 1 p.m.
My first catch in December... is this quite common?
had them off Dun Laoghaire in december before alright probably ten years ago now
Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:40 am
m.b3 wrote:papasenseida wrote:I don't know what is going on but have caught 3 macks at Dun Laoghaire today around 1 p.m.
My first catch in December... is this quite common?
had them off Dun Laoghaire in december before alright probably ten years ago now
heard that one a few times boyo!
Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:55 pm
Just back from the holiday.
So its not special but quite unusual then... Thanks for the information everybody
Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:18 pm
papasenseida wrote:Just back from the holiday.
So its not special but quite unusual then... Thanks for the information everybody
I have caught mackerel in mid December on the Waterford coast
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