Tra Na Rossan (North Donegal, near Downings) Aug 7, 2005

Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:24 am

People: Me & brother

Duration: 3 hours 22:00-01:00

Tide: Top down half way approx

Weather: Calm, mild

Bait: Peeler, sandeel

Rigs: Single hook

Results: Weed. And not much of that either.

Report: Another blank to add to my scintillating angling total for the year. Looked like a perfect evening for it, very little wind, light surf. Shedloads of shooting stars after dark. Baits coming back untouched every time, apart from the skinners, who were buried in the peeler. Not even doggies to be had! Even tried dousing everything in Ultrabite after a while. No difference. This place used to be good for a few flatties or at least the odd spotty dog but the last few trips we've blanked. Seems to have gone downhill badly. I think it's off my list of venues from here on. In fact, given how the whole north-west corner has been fishing this year, I might as well take up golf.... :cry:

Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:47 am

FIshed there a few times earlier on in the year. Fished the beach and the rocks to the left...blanked on both occasions.
Did mange to get a few plaice on up the road, cant remember what you call the place, but instead of turning off to go to tra na rossan just keep going and you come to a caravan park on the right, and theres a deep shelving beach with boats moored to the left... that fished quite well at night


Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:38 am

Know where you mean alright. Always assumed it would be tackle graveyard due to all the moorings in the bay, not to mention all the other scrap you usually get around an anchorage. I also hate casting into an anchorage after dark - waiting for a splash or the sound of glass breaking.... :lol:

To be honest, I'm not sure it's worth it - although I'd try anywhere at this point. The whole north-west seems to be fishless lately, but thanks for the tip. If I fish it I'll post a report.

Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:42 pm

have you tried kerrykeel for the thornbacks yet this year? i know quite a few have been caught there in recent years?

Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:55 pm

Bobby and Mutley were on the pier yesterday sunday 7th aug they had 8 rays and a few dogs best one ten lbs
kerrykeel :wink:

Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:09 pm

happy days, good to here theyve came back in!hopefully get a run over sooner rather than later! :wink:

Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:15 am

Where's Kerrykeel?

Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:17 am

Is there anywhere you can buy fresh rag in Donegal? BTW the shooting stars are an annual event, the Perseid meteor shower at its peak on thursday/friday night though it spreads out over a week - hopefully you'll see more later on in the week if the cloud stays away! ... 1557_1.asp

Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:20 am

Anonymous wrote:Is there anywhere you can buy fresh rag in Donegal? BTW the shooting stars are an annual event, the Perseid meteor shower at its peak on thursday/friday night though it spreads out over a week - hopefully you'll see more later on in the week if the cloud stays away! ... 1557_1.asp

Courtesy of Sandman from a different thread...

"Top Tackle, Port Road, Letterkenny. Previously frozen peeler, although they also do fresh rag to order, available most fridays - you have to order earlier in the week. They do the usual frozen squid, sandeel, mackerel etc. Peeler is wasted in Donegal, as far as I can see."

Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:28 pm

You'll find Kerrykeel on the map at -

Thanks for the tip lads. I've never fished Kerrykeel before. Might give it a go at the weekend. Any advice on rigs, baits, state of tides, time of day or night to fish etc?

On the subject of bait, to give everyone a fair crack, there is another tackle shop - Aladdin's Cave - on the Port Road round the back of Northern Sounds, the auto audio specialists.

They usually have most of the typical frozen baits, not sure if they do peeler or rag.

There is another place on the Ramelton Road - Swilly Angling Centre - but I've never been in yet so no idea what they do exactly.

For anyone coming via stroke city, there is Rod and Line at the bottom of Clarendon street - and Boston outdoor on the Buncrana Road - again most frozen baits .

Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:00 pm

stuarty would have a better idea re tides etc sandman