Wexford Ballyconnigar & Kats Strand

Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:10 pm


Duration:Night (12 - 2:30) & afternoon (12:30 - 3.30)

Tide: high water down


Bait:fresh peeler & fresh lug

Rigs:flappers & pulley pennels

Results:night session - nada, afternoon - 3 flounders

Fished Ballyconnigar beach on monday night for smoothhounds, bass etc but very dirty after easterly wind, managed to blank using the best of bait and had to continually cut weed from the line.

Fished Kats strand on wednesday afternoon and had a few bites every cast, crab was the killer and had 3 flounders, 2 over a pound, the lads trolling with spinners and plugs along kats seemed to be picking up a small bass every troll but when i was talking to them after they told me there can be bigger ones mixed in with the schoolies, fairly dissapointing all in all, very envious after seeing how Luke and Ed have been doin lately.