Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:36 pm
People: Myself
Duration: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Tide: Rising
Weather: Nice
Bait: Lugworm
Rigs: Feathers, Single Hook Patanoster, Penell Pulley
Results: 2 Effing Wrasse!
Report: Took the head staggers this morning, Jumped out of bed, Grabbed the Tackel Box, Rods, a Fork, and a Bucket and ran to my Lug Digging Spot, got about 20 Worms then trudged out to Kinnegar Rocks, Just outside Millisle, Fished hard to the Bottom most of the day, Only got about 6 Positive bites, and only manged to Hook up 2.. A Wrasse of about 1lb, and a 2lbish fish, Also saw 2 Mackeral and a Pollack caught by a guy fishing further on down...
Nice Spot.... Pity about the lack of bites...