Teelin, Co. Donegal - 23rd/24th July

Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:00 pm


Myself and a few friends for company who were more interested in the beer


Pier: 9.30pm to 6am
Rocks: 6.30am to 1pm


All states


Beautiful - calm at night, sunnyduring the day.


Rag, sandeel, squid, mackeral.


2 hook flappers and pulleys from the pier, single hook bombers, pulleys and mackeral traces from the rocks


3 dab, countless wrasse, launce and mackeral, 1 pollack and 1 unknown.


Bit of a marathon session this one! Fished the pier at Teelin from 9.30pm on Sat night til 6 on the Sunday morning. Put out fresh mackeral heads (with guts) in search of congor to no avail. Also fished 2 hook flappers with combo's of rag, mackeral squid and sandeel. Only managed 3 dabs with these verious concoctions, and a heap of crabs! :evil: Fisrt time I've caught a dab so I'm happy enough with that.

Got fed up at the pier at about 6 this morning so I headed round to the rocks. Plenty of big, bulky mackeral on every cast 2 hours after high water to mackeral traces, and at least 20 launce - each and every one of which was foul-hooked! :shock: You could see massive shoals of them swimming around about a foot below the surface. One pollack feel to an Eddystone eel and I'd say 10-15 wrasse were caught on ragworm.

I also caught a small fish exactly the size of my hand on the ragworm, but I'm not sure what it is. I'd guess either a poor cod or a pouting, but that's just a guess. I've never actually seen either of the in real life so I don't know. I've included a pic below if someone could help me out.


Long oul session and I'm shattered now, but sure I have two new species to add to me list! :D Beats sitting in the house watching the TV anyday...


Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:16 pm

Was fishing the rocks there with two of the mates on the Saturday evening myself, but left around 7.30pm. We were fishing at the rocks round to the left, seen a load of ones fishing quite busy in fact. The fish you got was a poor cod, stacks of them round there.
