Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:28 am
People: My brother and myself
Duration: 6 hours 9.30pm to 3.30am
Tide: 3 hours rising 3 falling
Weather: Perfect windless night but choppy sea
Bait: Cocktails of rag, squid, mackerel and sand eel. Squid was taken regularly.
Rigs: Bog-standard two hook rig with sinkers (whatever that's called!)
Results: 10-odd dogfish, a three-bearded rockling and a conger of about 3.5 lb. Conger came about 1.5 hours into the ebb tide -
Report: Great fun and the most fish we've caught off the east coast in a long time. First ever conger too. Conger was gut hooked so kept for the pot. One dogfish also kept to see if they're even remotely edible. All others thrown back.