Sun Jun 26, 2005 11:55 am
People myself
Duration:1.30pm to 3.30pm
Tide:low at 2.20pm
Weather:light n/w overcast.
Results:3 thornies to 7 lb
Report:bloody crabs. bait only lasted 5 mins at most.I think squid will be a must on my next trip.I had one great run which stripped 50 yards of line before snagging and coming off.If my suspicions are correct it won't be long before I land my first stingray of the season.
Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:02 pm
Bad luck there Col, bet there was a few choice words there! after willing it to take off no doubt. Sandeel not the answer to the crabs after all then :evil:
Never mind as long as you did'nt dunk another phone in the bay :wink:
Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:30 pm
My fourth phone in 10 month to be introduced to the saltwater.Where would I be without insurance :wink:
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