Sun May 15, 2005 8:12 pm
Had my first mullet if the year today from the South Wall fishing into the Liffey. Bubble float and bread flake were the successful tactics. The fish were not around in big numbers. The fish was about 4lb.
Mon May 16, 2005 8:18 am
wherabouts on the south the hot water? Also, what gear were you using..coarse rod or a spinning rod? Are the mullet easy enough to catch there or is prolonged ground baiting required?
(Apologies for all the questions, ive never caught one of the little buggers having watched them laughing at every bait i sent for bass when i fished dollymount in my youth!)
Mon May 16, 2005 4:53 pm
hi lads i no this isnt really sea fishing but you should try islandbridge specimen mullet here.i witnessed george catch one bout 2monts ago.bread was the bait
Mon May 16, 2005 11:50 pm
I was fishing down from the Hot Water just beyond the slip. You have to look out for the fish - ruffled water is the key as it often indicates fish close to the surface. I use a 13ft coarse foat rod, designed for tench and bream to punch out the gear as the fish can be up to 50 yards away. Good eyesight is a bonus at this distance as you are striking when the bread dissapears. The shoals seem to hang at various locations waiting for the hot water to reach a certain point, usually just after half tide when they move en masse upriver ( or down river on the ebb). Work out how you will land the fish while fishing as it can be awkward along this stretch. If you are using bubble floats being a bottle of water to fill it. I know all the stats say that then Liffey is cleaner than ever but I would always be careful fishing here. Groundbaiting is by loosefed bread where this can be done. It is not easy, the constant procession of large boats in and out generate large swells that disperse your carefully placed groundbait. Groundbait is not critical here to getting a few fish.
Tue May 17, 2005 9:34 am
cheers for that Cooke, i am determined to get one of them this summer...also on the theme of the south wall, is it worth a shot for bass (when the season re-opens?)
Damien, are there any accessable spots at islandbridge to fish?
Tue May 17, 2005 9:10 pm
sorry meant to ask as well...what strength line and size hook were you using?
Thu May 19, 2005 10:39 pm
4lb mainline, size 6 hook - Kamasan B980. About three foot of line from the bubble to the hook, 4lb also. Do not take the snood line fron the end of your mainline but from a fresh spool. Always test the line after knotting. If you are not used to light line tactics, a 6lb or even an 8lb mainline might be better until you have got used to playing fish on light tackle. You will need a landing net with an extending handle.
Thu May 19, 2005 10:51 pm
I have not fished the wall for bass for many years. When I did, May was always the best month as the water became littered with weed after that. We used fish the Cockle Lake at low water, standing waist deep in the water. A Light south-easterly was the best wind in conjunction with an evening low tide. Peeler or king rag were the baits and we would back up as the tide made. eventually ending up fishing off the wall. Someone always got a bass or a knock but there were never huge numbers of fish taken. Big flounders were plentiful with fish over 2 pounds regularly landed. It is always critical to watch the tide as you could get caught out here very easily with the seemingly gentle water surrrounding you in a matter of minutes. As I said, I have not fished it in many years but I have no doubt that some bass still visit the area, as they do the other venues I fished in my youth - Redrock, Claremount and the Wooden Bridge. Put in some time and I'm sure you will eventually be rewarded.
Fri May 20, 2005 9:28 am
cheers Cooke thanks for all of that i will give it a shot in the next few weeks
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