Mon May 09, 2005 9:31 am
Fished Portsalon Strand Sunday - low to high water. Two rods. No fish. bait was mackerel, squid, sandeel. Not even crabs to rob it. Or dogs. Every bait came back ashore untouched.
Seemed to be a nice surf running and just beyond it there seemed to be a lot of terns diving for what I'm guessing were sandeel. Was within 80-100 yards of shore and easily achievable distance wise, despite a fairly stiff headwind.
Starting to wonder if I've somehow forgot some critical trick to fishing....
Is anyone getting anything from Donegal beaches this year? I know it's the lean time of the year but this is ridiculous......
Mon May 09, 2005 8:22 pm
Once that coldish northwest goes out of it the fishing should perk up, i've found it a s*** wind at this time of the year for fishing Donegal. I'm going to be tying rigs till it changes and the temps rise a bit or trying for pollock, they seem happy enough to feed away in that wind. Well thats my theory on it.
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