The Park-Cobh

Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:07 am

Fished A Mark known as the park in cobh, it is located just passed the pilot station in the lower harbour.

fished on sat night low water to around half tide in the dark.
pretty good night, plenty of small stuff around and around a dozen pan sized codling between 3 of us(all returned alive) :D
bait used lug and crab.
anybody thinking of fishing this mark should note, it is a night mark, with very little light so go prepaired and try to stick to the left hand side of the mark.
there is a reef under the wall it runs out around 20 yards onto clean ground., there is ample parking outside the pilot station.
also keep an eye out for crab pots. there can be a lot of them in the area from time to time.

Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:35 pm

Fished this mark Saturday morning up to full tide blanked, is a distance cast required?
Can anyone tell me where at the back of the Island in Cobh I can dig lug?
Not living in Cobh long and just getting back to my fishing from a long break so would appreciate any info.

Thanks Fishfinder(looking for fish)


Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:23 am

hi fish finder,

the park is a night time mark only, and is best fished from the low water flood until just after half tide.
as for distance 30 yards will put beyond the reef and into the clean ground.

as for the back of the island, what part of town will you going there from.?


Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:20 pm

Cobh Skipper

Heading for the back of the Island on the back road into Cobh via the senic route, would appreciate any info.

Thanks Fish Finder.


Thu Mar 17, 2005 1:06 am

Hey fishfinder,
if you follow that road all the way around the island you will come to a section of the sea wall that was washed away in the last big storm, carry on from there and you will come to a bungaloe on the right.
if you look out into the river there should be a white boat moored on the far side of the river.
carry on over the road for another few mins until you come to a spit of land sticking out into the river.
there is gate into that piece of land where you can park.
when you are looking out into the river, just on your right hand side is the best spot for digging dont go too far over to the right as there are only rag in that area.
you will know your in the right place when you see all the tyres that are there for peelers.

hope this is of some help.