Howth - Sat 12th Feb

Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:10 am

Saturday 12th Feb - 10am-5:30pm
Bait: Rag / Sandeel / Mackerel

Got to Howth with a fierce wind blowing, and some light showers made worse by the wind. Had a gander down to the spot where I was the week before, MB3 and IDPearl were there sure enough, with approx 15 rods :lol: .
Got to the spot and started, got a few nibbles, but after 3 hours, three of us blanked. We decided to have a bit of a scout around for somewhere different.....we found one alright :wink: , quite nice too. Within an hour we were hitting, codling and whiting, nothing of any great size though.
All in all we I took 3 codling 2 whiting, nephew took 3 whiting, brother in law took 2 codling and fouled a whiting.
Upon leaving the other lads, MB3 and IDPearl were still there, they should have had a half decent day too.

Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:54 am


You should have come down and blanked with us on the codling front! I was bashing 'em out all day from 8:30am to gone 6pm and not a coddy bite to look at. Mark had a couple of coddy type bites out on the edge, but neither was hooked. He did catch quite a few whiting, with a couple of dab and a coalie adding to his species list. I had a corkwing wrasse about 8 inches long, which was a first for me.

Fished Webbs on the Sunday as it was the only place out of the fierce wind. Beautiful day, basked in sunshine for the morning, but after a mini tornado sucked the hat off my head, blew me over, the rods over and watching my hat fall from 30 foot above me into the sea, we decided to call it a day!!

Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:21 pm

It looked fairly tight down there with all the rods.
You went out yesterday in that wind!!! madness.
I had one massive bite myself, three huge hits on the line and it struck, nothing to be had though. Di you find there were a huge amount of crabs about, far more than ive ever seen around there. Alone I took about 5 in.

Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:36 pm

Not many crabs Wes. Most baits were coming in 20 or 30 minutes later pretty much as they went out!

I did wonder what the Split Rock was like, but couldn't stand up straight!

Mon Feb 14, 2005 12:38 pm

BTW Wes, was that you guys that went over onto Webbs for a look?

Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:14 pm

That sea just looks nasty! Why do we do this to ourselves.. ? Great isn't it.. hehe :lol:

Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:19 pm

Nope, we were going to, but wouldnt have lasted with the wind, too open.
Went to the steps, but the tide was too much after a few hours.