Ennareilly 08.01.05

Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:56 pm

Fished Enny again yesterday.
the <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=weather&v=56">weather</a> was wild and the sea looked frightening but we gave it four hours using bomber rigs with lug tipped in mussel.

Once you cleared the breakers 6oz grips were managing to hold bottom.
Bite detection was very difficult however and we had shag all fish till a small bass came along, only about 15cm.

Just as we were packing up one of the guys from up the beach came down holding a massive cod i reckoned must have been 5lbs.
Thats the second fish of that calibre i have seen taken here in the space of a few weeks, just goes to show!!!

I'm heading down again next Saturday as the long term forecast shows stormy weather all week then dying down through friday to what should be a calm day Saturday.
High tide should be around twoish I think, although unfortunately its on the spring tide which isn't so productive here.

If anyone is interested in goin, I'll be the one shivering more than anyone else in the beach buddy!!!