Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:42 am
Returned to fish Greystones on Tuesday, which was the only day that we could get, rather than choice.
Weather on the day was calm and sunny, which brings me nicely into a post made way back in October last year by "soc"
I've found Greystones to be least productive on a clear and calm sunny day.
I can back this up with one more point,, that the fish seam to only move in mid tide, looking back at my notes from Oct 23rd this confirms it,, same as Ballycastle on the N coast.
Well!!! what did we catch?? Very bloody little, note photo of Bobby with (catch of the day) that, and a few small very small whiting and pollockā¦.. that's it!!!!!
Dave :oops:
U may find Bobbyfish1 in gallery, I think