Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:15 pm
Fished the pier at waterfoot with 5 rods in water and got only 2 pollock not worth talking about. strong wind and rain during night made this a bad all rounder. mac and sand eel as bait.
Move to glenarm first light and weather a bit better, got 5 flatties and 3 more pollock but best of all a 4 pound codling to crab. And one not sure fish about to have a look find it in fish guild. Used rag and crab tiped with some mac. Bad sea weed at beach not sure if weather the reason or beach always like this if so may not be back i may have got fish but weed a pain so i will try one more time but if same this beach is a no no ,yes weed that bad.
Fished tide on the rise on the beach, strong west wind and over cast just at the bottom of the steps at carpark. About 70-100 yards out wind didnt let me practise my cast. hope some off this helps but new to this.
Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:06 am
Done better than me there, then again I fished it 3 Years ago.... and didn't have a clue, I also fished the bottom of the Steps at the Carpark, Plague Proportions of Whiting interspersed with Doggies is what we got....
Possible Venue for next forum meet??
Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:36 pm
Iam lucky do a fare bit of diving and snorkling and worked on new pier and marina a few years ago so saw sea bed and about 70-100 yrd out from steps on the 3rd breaker there is a deep hole about 100yrds in length if you watch the wave coming in you can see it creast and trough at this point and if you cast onto this point it holds fish pollock and odd codling hang here after a big blow so knew worth a try and it paid off. Before my move to fly fishing i fished here alot one of only 2 marks i can speak on with know how. Thats what the forum is about learning from you and ron and the others. I dont understand sea angling but can read surf and sea bed good as this is my other sport. Me for fun my other mate this is his job diving.
Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:42 pm
[I dont understand sea angling but can read surf and sea bed good as this is my other sport.
Pookie, I think that puts you one ahead of the rest of us!
Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:15 pm
2nds that motion.
Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:20 pm
you need to understand things that can tangle you so the dive master in our club a old boy at this and always showing us stuff,i yet to gain any advantage from it but worth listening to him and when a trip goes wrong ie no fish in the bag its good to say well old john says and blame it on him. My mate now is a comercial diver and what he cant see is not worth knowing been at it 15yrs and he always seems to get it right thats why when he at home he comes fishing and can put you on holes and cullys,myself dived 2 beaches and thats one.
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