Fenit harbour-sat 16 oct

Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:19 am

Fished 10am- 8pm highwater 7pm.
Fished with mackerel, sandeel and squid with small ledgering rigs, larger 2/0 4/0 baits and a couple of conger rods, three of us fishing
A real lesson in humility.
Good bait, good company,great weather, and not a single fish.
Not a doggie, not a dab,nowt!
BigCol, youre going to have to point out what we have been doing wrong here
Still, a great day out and a bit of a red face in october, so not all bad


Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:02 pm

I enjoy reading your reports,reporting even when you blank...admirable!.
Living in England I visit the Dingle area each September and have done for years so I am always reading reports on this forum. I must say in my opinion this is the best angling site on the web.Due to the bad weather during our last two trips we are coming over for the first 10 days in July 2005 so as we can hopefully do more rock fishing without having to worry about getting swept out to sea by huge wave,(we dont have rock fishing where I live).Whats the fishing like in July ?,I hear it should be good for Stingers+Tope?.Keep your reports coming !.

Tue Oct 19, 2004 7:09 pm

sorry to hear about the blank.As i have mentioned in my previous reports Fenit can sometimes be a big dissappointment.Alot depends on the conditions,water colour,tide and funnily enough the amount of traffic crossing the viaduct.My best fishing has been autumn/winter on a rising tide,dead calm conditions,night time with no traffic.There is a general consensus that the noise of the traffic,if heavy,spooks the fish.The first 3 hours of the flood seems to produce the best fishing.Not to add insult to injury it is however unusual for the doggies not to be feeding.Were you fishing at the spot i mentioned?seaward or into the bay?Casting long or short?I suspect you tried all of the above.If having no joy from the viaduct i usually move right to the end of the pier into deep water.This sometimes helps.Again if no joy move into the marina and drop a bait down beside the boats for conger.There are also mullet in the marina.But i think the best fishing is late night/early morning say 9pm to 3am with high about 1or 2 am.If you fancy wetting a line some night let me know and i will meet you.

Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:19 pm

i fish tralee and dingle bay every year and have found fenit less productive for rays in recent years. used to be best on small tides(less weed), at night off the end in june, july. inside for mullet and conger. fished it aug to sept. last few years for ray,skate with just an odd fish. still get plenty in dingle harbour this late in season, maybe tralee bay fishes earlier better? what a great website.