
Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:38 pm

Fished Portaferry last night 16/10/04,on the jetty beside the ferry ramp.Fished two hours before and one hour after low tide.Between three of us we had six dogfish,a rockling and one large conger.The conger fought like stink the whole way in,and when i got it to the jetty wall it was still spinning and thrashing like hell.Unfortunately while trying to hand line it up the twelve feet or so from the water the trace finally parted.The three of us all guessed that it was a minimum of 25lbs and maybe even closer to 30lbs,which would have made it my best shore caught fish to date,by a long way.Bait used was rag ,squid and mackeral.All fish were caught on squid and mackeral,the rag caught nothing.It was a bit of a nuisance having to reel in every half an hour or so while the ferry loaded, but looks like a place with good potential.

Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:56 pm

Apparantly there's huss on the Strangford Side Along with the Congers but havent got 2 fish it yet! Portaferrys a nice spot, I like it.

Sun Oct 17, 2004 5:29 pm

i know this is in the wrong place but i am just glad to hear of fish being caught in strangford. i fish the lough all summer from my boat and the fishing is awful! this year 1 decent pollack and that was it even the makeral were scarce.

Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:32 pm

Go out the Lough! Couple of marker Boys Just off the Caravan site to the North of the Bar Mouth, Drift around those, and out at the light ship of Portavogie is supposed to be good... Apparantly in the bar mouth itself you can tie up to a wreck at Ballyhenry which produces nice Wrasse, Pollack and Coalies.... which would be nice.