Rotten Bottoms

Wed May 26, 2004 9:48 am

What's the best way of making a rotten bottom for fishing rough ground?

I've heard of hooking the lead to a paper clip, then attacthing that to the end of the rig via a snap-swivel. I've never seen anyone actually doing that though.

Would a paper clip be strong enough to hold the lead during a cast? Or is there any other methods to do this?

paper clips

Wed May 26, 2004 10:08 am

Hi Irish

The paper clip is good off a boat where you are not casting and ok on land where on a lob cast is required but it would be dangerous to use if you decided to put some power into a cast. Definitely not recommended!

You can buy rotten bottom clips from most retailers including the online merchants. These are engineered paper clips and do the job very well.

You can also make your own. Buy some leads with strong metal 'handles" and open up the eye to a rough inverted "L" shape using a pliers - a bit tricky but it can be done. Attached the lead to the end of your trace using a light breaking strain line. On the end of the trace use a figure of eight knot to make a loop. Hang the inverted "L" off the loop and it casts perfectly well. When it hits the water usually it drops out of the "L" leaving only the light breaking strain line holding your junk lead.


Wed May 26, 2004 11:11 am

Have a look at and goto Genie clips. I use the one on the top left of that page upside down. Tie one end of a weaker line (10 to 15lb) to the eye of the clip, the other to your weight. Tie the end of your trace to the loop and away you go. Just hook the weight onto the clip before you cast, when it hits the water the weight is released and hangs on the weaker line. These are tough clips and can take a powerful cast.