Fri Apr 30, 2004 2:10 pm
If you are fishing a shallow water venue (2 metres of depth or less) and you have weed and snags to contend with (so a stepped retrieve will not work), use an extra long trace and keep the snoods up near the top. On a shallow venue this may keep short snoods wafting around in any current and off the bottom. Adding a few floaty beads will help as well.
Fri Apr 30, 2004 10:00 pm
when fishing in creeks or estuaries with a flounder spoon use a six inch snood behind the spoon. put a floaty bead bouyant enough to lift the bait up. u can now fish the spoon slowly or even drift it in the current and will not see a crab all day. don't worry if u can't get rag. flounder will readily take a strip of mackeral behind a spoon. tried, tested and recommended.
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