Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:37 pm
Have had really good experiences with 'casting shads'. They have a lead head inside and, importantly, the hook comes through the top. Because of the latter feature, the loss rate is virtually zero even over rough ground. I have caught bass and pollack with them from the shore. Their high attractant value, in my opinion, is due to the fact that they swim in a very lively and realistic manner. In fact, you can feel them wriggling as you wind in. I would highly recommend them to anyone who likes lure fishing. Must point out that I have no vested interest in these devices. Furthermore - for what they do and compared to plugs, they are cheap !
Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:26 am
Hi Peter,
What exact type are you using? and maybe where do you get them and how much? Does H Rocks stock them?
Wed Apr 21, 2004 4:00 pm
Purchased the originals from Veales -I seem to remember described as -casting shads - they are pictured in their catalogue. They are 4 inch size. Now - I have just seen them advertised at a lower price ( the originals were cheap ) by Gerrys of Morecombe in both 4 inch and 6 inch sizes, 25 and 55 grammes weight each respectively. So I have ordered some of each size. The originals, with which I have done well, are the natural and blue/silvers colours. Gerrys describe them as 'Storm Holographic Wild Eye Shads'.
Wed Apr 21, 2004 4:08 pm
Thanks Peter,
I may just have to invest in a couple....
Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:55 pm
Storm do a shore version of this lure called Wildeye jerkin shads which are slimmer and less likely to snag. They are one of the best lures around at the moment.
Thu Apr 22, 2004 4:16 pm
Derek in Guileen Tackle (Cork) has a huge stock of Storm shads and sells them cheaper than anybody around. I'm sure he'd post them to you.
I think that Procast also do some Storm shads.
Mon Apr 26, 2004 12:46 pm
Yip, we do a wide range of shads, from 3inch to 12 inch. Sparkle colours, glo in the dark shads, pearlescent colours and we have ordered in a new shads, exactly like the Storm ones with the weighted head and rattle , and cheaper than the storm ones. I'll be updating the website tonight or tomorrow.
We've also started producing our own 6 ounce lead shad in a variety of colours and an 8 ounce spire point leadhead to get the big shads down to the wrecks without worrying about boom tangles.
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