Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:28 pm
Ok, sounds like a weird request but i need to know how to actually target rockling,
During the creation of our new scorecards for our club someone forgot to add in rockling so as a result we mark them down as ling and as such they are worth some good points, so, it makes sense for me to target them first to boost my points before switching tactics to go for other species,
Last year when we were using our old cards i was getting my share of rockling, they werent worth catching tho due to the low point value but still i was catching loads, this year however, for the life of me i cant seem to get near to them, guys around me are still catching good numbers of them tho,
So, any suggestions on how i go about targeting rocking?
Thanks in advance
Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:28 am
Mackerel as bait and maybe consider upping the hook size as they have large mouths relative to their size. Should help avoid non target species.
Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:24 am
Look for a muddy area, particularly a harbour with heavy and large traffic where the ships turbines churn up the substrate.
If you check the records, specimens are usually recorded in places like Moneypoint, Cork Harbour, and at or near ferry points.
I have encountered them elsewhere - but there has always been rocky cover for them to slip back into so on the margin between rocky ground and sand or mud would be a good option. They have big gobs so definitely go with a big hook - 2/0 would be a good shout.
If I recall correctly, relatively calm conditions in the sea itself and around low water will help? Hope this helps...
Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:58 pm
Febuary last year we were catching rockling three at a time on harbour rock in Cork with strips of mackeral .The rock was full of them with every drop bringing them up. It wasnt just one trip but they were there for a few weeks during febuary.
Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:26 pm
Thanks for the replies,
I probably should of mentioned in my first post that we would generally be fishing off beaches, around S. Dublin/ Wicklow areas, so any advice given would need to keep that in mind,
Next time we are out tho ill try a bigger hook and just mackerel rather that lug tipped with mackerel,
Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:57 am
Had about 20 rockling yesterday on wicklow. all on fresh lug tipped with mack. anywhere between 10-40 yards cast.
They seemed to be feeding like crazy in the choppy sea and most were caught in daylight around low water.
Was using 2ft snoods with size 4 hooks and grip leads.
If its competitions your doing the biggest was 20cm but most were around the 16cm mark unfortunately.
Hope this helps.
Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:39 pm
I had 3 last night using 1/0 circle hooks and a bit of squid all over the 15cm mark on a bit of a sandbank just off the edge of some rock , I had another 2 the last night I was out using the same method also had dab and flounder between whiting on the same patch of ground. circle hooks did their job as they were unable to swallow the hook down into the gut so unhooking wasn't a problem making it easier to return all fish, I used slightly longer snoods last night about 12" previously about 8" I don't think it made much of a difference as I had the same four species while out on a previous trip.
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