Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:00 pm
Has anyone ever used those bait oils,(crab oil/squid oil and so on),and if so,do they work?.Or are they more for course fishing.
Also,i know ppl use peeler crabs as bait,but is this the only crab that can be used,and if so why?
Sorry if they seem like silly questions,but i am just curious to know the answer to both questions.
Thanks in advance.
Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:03 am
Hi. Peeler crabs generate strong hormone juices during the shell-peeling and regrowing process and its this that the fish go for. Hardback crab isnt so attractive in that way, but some species love them, wrasse and cod particularly. I've also caught bigger bass whose stomachs were full of small hardbacks (not recently - I avoid bass on principle now).
As to additives, the debate rages - some people swear by them, some swear at them. I quite like them myself (including WD40!) but I couldnt say for sure they make a dramatic difference to catch rates, its just a personal impression that they help when times are tough. As with all angling techniques, the rule is: have a go and see how it works out for you....
You could buy yourself this for Christmas: ... 0953308707Its quite a good basic primer.
Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:39 pm
Try anything, I have had great success doggie bashing with a turkey carcass! just pullin off stringy bits, skin, etc, whippin it onto hook, they went mad for it. ya never knw til you try it
Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:09 pm
Thanks for the replies guys.
At least now i know why the peeler crab is used as much now.I did watch something a while back but it was an american video,and the guy was using chicken strips soaked in garlic,i thought it was a bit odd,but now that i see that Spindlefist mentioned turkey,doesnt seem such as wild an idea now..Lol.I will probably give the oil a try out at some stage,just out of curiousity,maybe put some on a Brussel sprout too to try it..lmao.
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