Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:31 pm
If you go night fishing as well as putting it on your rod tips, stick reflective tape on your weights and fishing tools aswell to help you find them in the dark.
Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:51 pm
You can buy luminous paint (nasty stuff, read the instructions carefully) that does the same trick, especially useful on the handles of knifes, nets etc. which are normally dark plastic.
Fri Apr 16, 2004 9:38 pm
There is a luminous heatshrink sleeving available which I've bought but haven't given it a sea test yet. Unfortunately, I live the wrong side of the Irish Sea so can't say how you can buy it over there but in the UK a firm called RS Components ++44 (0)1536 444445 stock it. It seems to fade (5/10 mins.) quicker than I leave my baits out for, but that may be a good thing. If I have to give it a blast with the torch to re-charge it, I might find myself changing the bait a bit more often. Mind you, here on the South Coast, I don't think anything will help.
The stuff is any of 5 sizes from 6.4mm. i/d up to 31.8mm. i/d and when heated will shrink down to about half size. A few inches at the rod tip should be a lot neater than a tip light but will not be as bright. If it doesn't work out for rod tips, I suppose I can always put it on the line as an attractor.
A metre 6.4mm. i/d costs £7.61 (11.4 Euro?)
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