Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:43 pm
This has probably been covered but any ideas as to what damages the top eye on rods?
I'm only guessing that when the line is wound in with a swivel in place the swivel if connecting with the top ring over time follows in repeated damage. Only asking as on one rod when jigging, the line gets caught on the top eye, if you managed to hit into a fish at this time you might have difficulties in bringing the fish to the surface.
Perhaps the quality of the rod may be questioned when braid follows through the eyes?
Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:48 pm
Put a single bead on the main line before the swivel, this will prevent the swivel from slipping through the tip ring. The diameter of the bead depends on the diameter of the tip ring. A simple but very effective solution.
Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:42 pm
get a diamite tip ring they sell them on veals not too dear and will last forever ,no insert so no worries
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