shakespeare zeta problem

Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:25 am

hi all,

i have a Shakespeare Zeta FD70 reel and lately it wont lock for me. anyone know how to resolve this? i took off the spool and gave it a good oil with reel oil but it dosnt seem to have helped.

thanks lads.

Re: shakespeare zeta problem

Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:41 pm

when you say wont lock do you mean the drag wont tighten down?

Re: shakespeare zeta problem

Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:14 pm

if it's the anti reverse you're talking about there is only one word of advice I have: recycling ;)

Re: shakespeare zeta problem

Fri Mar 01, 2013 9:33 am

yup it is the anti reverse, only a couple of months old too. is there no saving it then?

Re: shakespeare zeta problem

Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:18 pm

Is the reel under a year old? Still under guarantee? Do you have a receipt for it? If you can answer all these questions with 'YES' bring it back to the shop.
If there is any 'NO' answer then just forget it, these low end reels are cheap and not built to last.
Go to the tackle shop where you bought it and ask for a good quality replacement reel, this shouldn't cost you more than 70-100 Euros and you most certainly get a rebate for the banjaxed one if you are in good standing with them. They surely value your repeat custom if they have any business sense. :)

Last but by no means least - you have consumer rights: Keep in mind the 3R's - Repair, Replace, Refund. :!:
If it cant be repaired the shop has to replace the faulty item, should they be unable to do so for any reason you have the right for a refund. Simple as that. And please do not tamper with the reel yourself, this voids the guarantee. Hope this helps.

Re: shakespeare zeta problem

Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:48 pm

hi Bassy Tom i bought a shakespeare pro am 2004 reel and a rod at a car boot sale for 2 euro for the young lad,when i got home i discovered the anti reverse wasn't working,i took it apart and couldn't see anything wrong at the back then i took off the spool and just loosened a screw under the spool and the anti reverse worked fine
i know its not the same reel but it might be similar on the inside

you can see the screw in the photo,a tiny twist sorted it for me
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Re: shakespeare zeta problem

Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:44 pm

Thanks for the advise lads. I dont have the receipt Austrian so im out of luck there. I took off the spool gf but i didnt notice a screw, but i will be looking in that direction more closely now, thanks for the tip! hopefully thats all it will take.