lead lifts

Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:53 pm

If ur fishing rock marks regularly u probably use them,they are easily made,get some rubbery plastic,i use clear icecream tubs,or old lunch boxs,cut out little kite shapes about 3-4",long and 2" wide,then bend them in the centre from top to bottom,then heat a small nail and put a hole top and bottem so u can put them on ur rig above ur lead,they work really well,they do reduce ur distance a bit but u should get ur rig back if u cleared the rocks in the first place! :D

Re: lead lifts

Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:48 pm

Yea saw Creep use one at distance while fishing the back swimming pool in skerries and after he got out of the rocks it did seem to work well...

Re: lead lifts

Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:28 pm

that is a handy tip id forgotten that rember a friend used to use them years ago and heres my just after buying a stash full from tackle shop :cry: ah well!