Chug bugs and Plugs

Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:31 pm

Can anyone give me advice on how to use this Lure/best conditions to use it in etc? I would like to use it around a rough ground/rocky area. I've caught bass in the area before using a Feed shallow lure so I know they're there but to be honest I'm nervous as hell about losin the Feed Shallow Lure and I only use it in the few gullies where I know it won't snag. I like the idea of using the surface plug because I would be confident that I wouldnt lose it to the rocks! Problem is whenever I use it I've no confidence in how I fish it. I normally cast.. wait for a bit, attempt (badly!) to make it walk the dog for a few seconds, pause a bit and repeat. Having researched a bit online it seems I should cast out, leave it for 10 secs or so, twitch it a few times, pause and repeat taking in slack as necessary. Would this be correct?
It just doesn't seem to imitate anything I've ever seen in the water!
I tend to only try it when the water is murky on the basis that it might attract the attention of a fish when a sub surface lure may not be visible. Is this correct or is it better to use it when calm?
While I'm on the subject of lures for bass can anyone offer advice on the best way to fish sandy estuaries (eg the Boyne/Rogerstown/Malahide) for bass? I generally use tobys/kiltys and get there at low tide. have had just the one this way. Would soft plastics or plugs generally be more suitable for this kind of fishing?
Apologies for packing in the two questions!! Looking to make the most of the bass fishing this summer so doing my research!

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:43 am

in regard to the chug bug, i fish these most of the time & think they work best in calm weather over shallow rough ground with clear water,but i do find that is the weather is abit choppy is maybe increse the size of the chug-bug
on the cast & retrieve,i just like to cast out leave for 2 or 3 secs & giv it one good pull just to interest any bass in the area & then start to retrieve at slow to medium enough pace,iv seen guys fish these but use a very fast retrieve & dont find it works as well

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:09 pm

Cheers Rooster, So do you stop and start or jerk the rod tip at all during the retrieve or use a slow to medium steady retrieve? The area I want to use it in is exactly as described unless theres a northerly or easterly wind so should be perfect. Sounds like great craic seeing the take.

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:59 pm

i dont relly stop the retrieve,but just kind of jerk the the tip of the rod as i retrieve,i vary it from slow to medium pace..thats 1 of the main reasons i use chug-bugs & surface poppers,its the excitment of a take,although you do get alot of bass following the lures & i would say only about 1 in every 5/6 takes,great fun do

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:21 pm

I'll give it a shot so and put in the hours. I'm fishing in Dublin so may be making it even harder for myself trying to get them on a surface lure but then again I suppose you can cover more ground that way. Thanks for taking the time to give us the advice.

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:51 pm

Hi Daveyboy, there is a couple of good Henry Gilbey videos on you-tube showing how to use Plugs etc and and what methods to use for different effects, i found them very helpful...

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:31 pm

Don't forget to use braid not mono for all your surface-popping needs!

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:11 pm

Cheers lads, yeah I saw those videos alright. Interesting to hear how different people have different techniques. Have 20 lb braid on now so looking forward to trying it. may even take a trip to Wexford to see how much better it is down there. It looks amazing on all the blogs and reports but imagine you'd need to know the tides and local marks

Re: Chug bugs and Plugs

Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:12 am

Keep using the feedshallows. Hold your rod tip high and you will only ever get snagged in seaweed as you will only be fishing the top 30cm. You can power through the seaweed with 20lbs braid and 20lb fluoro you will never loose it!! Feedshallows work alot better than surface plugs for me anyway.