Feeling disappointed with last weeks result I tried a few things different this time round. First change was the bait, I opted for squid, pollack and crab. I also wanted to try the other end of the tide and rather than a morning session I would now head out as the sun was dropping. Sure enough Friday came round and wind guru was predicting 10 knot winds ! WOOHOO
Unfortunately it wasnt the case as I later found out. I wasnt long gearing up and on the water for 5.30pm.
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I headed out and tied off to a buoy, lines dropped down and played the waiting game. Unfortunately the fish seem to be good at the waiting game

and they were winning. The winds soon started to pick, up a lot more than what was forecasted and I soon began to struggle especially as it was now wind against tide.
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I decided to come closer to shore and fish a rough ground patch in the hope of a few cod. I dropped anchor, baited up and again dropped the lines. Not a tap !
Every so often I could see a few blips on the fish finder and I just knew there was fish to be had. Darkness was falling, the winds were ridiculous and I still hadnt caught a fish. So I changed to my secret sauce
As soon as the lead hit the bottom this wee lad showed up
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Over the moon would be an understatement. I wasnt waiting long for another followed by the biggest of the night.
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It was now time to call it a night as I was starting to feel uneasy with waves washing into the yak. I find it a very different experience at night time. Maybe its just that the senses are extremely heightened (or that I was frozen) but catching a few fish seems a lot more rewarding.
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