Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:41 am
Some of you may have seen last year (2012) I kept a record of every fish I caught, well done the same this year. Although I didnt achieve my target number of species I am still happy as my catch rate has increased. This will set my goals for 2014
2012 ........................... 2013
2 sea scorpions.................2 sea acorpions
2 mackerel......................7 mackerel
45 whiting.......................24 whiting
27 dogfish.......................64 dogfish
22 pollock.......................32 pollock
1 coalfish........................30 coalfish
12 cod...........................34 cod
1 tope............................0 tope
3 thornback ray.................2 thornback ray
2 dab............................4 dabs
61 wrasse.......................72 wrasse
1 cuckoo wrasse................0 cuckoo wrasse
5 smoothhounds................8 smooth hounds
1 goby............................0 goby
...................................1 ling
...................................11 poor cod
...................................8 bull huss
...................................1 tub gurnard
__________________ __________________
Total=185 Total=300
Anyone else keep any records?
Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:57 am
Very interesting . Seening both years. Nice fishing this year. Did you fish the same areas or has your method eg rigs improved or was the fishing better. ?
Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:11 pm
Determined Dan wrote:Very interesting . Seening both years. Nice fishing this year. Did you fish the same areas or has your method eg rigs improved or was the fishing better. ?
I fished a small number of different areas and avoided particular beaches at certain time. Take killiney beach for example, I fished it a fair few times last year-this explains the decrease in whiting as that's all I was catching.
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