Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:26 am
A short enough day yesterday, with just 4 casters attending the heavy rain was enough to call it a day by 3pm-ish. None the less it was great crack as usual and some decent distances achieved considering we had a slight cross wind for most of the morn that turned cyclonic by midday. Top spot went to Andrew Gormley with a great chuck in the mid 40's...
Distances in meters:
Center line: Paddy.C- 0cm
Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:34 am
Hi Paddy! Excuse a potentially stupid question but are the distances in meters???
Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:09 pm
They are indeed..
Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:50 pm
Nice casting lads, did you hit the centreline Paddy?
Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:55 pm
Well done lads some casting! See ye next month for the 100g day!!
Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:56 am
MC wrote:did you hit the centreline Paddy?
yeah,, and for a change everything was going straight up the middle..
Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:35 pm
paddyc wrote:MC wrote:did you hit the centreline Paddy?
yeah,, and for a change everything was going straight up the middle..
Hope that changes for the 100g day
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