2012 Australian Championships

Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:54 am

Hot, hard but loads of fun is the way I would describe this years championship event . Once again thanks to the generosity of the farm owner we had use of the filed that has seen some excellent casting in past years of this event, and this year proved again that we have a great buch of people that make up the club form all around Australia.

Before I progess with the details of the event I would like to thank all those interstate members who travelled long distances to be at the event with special mention to Chas who once again made the trip from Western Australia , driving over with a stop over in South Australia where he met up with Eddie and Mike .
Also it was great to see both of the Selby's make it down and give everyone a great display of casting from both Scott and the old master Ces, Ces is a inspiration to me with his dedication and capability to send the leads out a long way.
We also had a special guest from overseas with Don Becker who runs Makoi tackle and casts in the USA events spening time down under.


( Special Guest Don )

Day one of the evnt saw hot difficult conditions with a variable north easterly wind which had the habit of going across court or swirling and coming head on righ though the day , temprature were up as is usual at this time of the year with a peak of around 36C though it felt hotter at time when the wind would simply die off.
The field was also a bit of a obstacle with the ground being cut up from the cattle that had made it there home during the winter months , though they had kep the grass down a bit . The thistles though were another thing and it was always interesting when we had to wind up to the leads before the measures.

Thoughout the event the members once again showed there true colours helping with setting up the court and the various other activities of measuring and helping anyone with questions on casting techniques and equipment issues. It is because of this mateship that I enjoy being part of the club and why organising the event is so satisfy for me.

As per previous years the event was split into two rounds with day one seeing us casting the 100 and 125 gram and the second throwing the 150 and 175 gram leads. It should be noted though that members can opt to cast nay weight they can but need to follow the format if they want to be in a run for the aggregate trophy . Due to the very tough conditions and the fact that some members couldn't attend both days we had a numner of people op[ting to cast there favourite lead throughout the event.


( Don Sending a lead down field )

Casting honours were take out by Scott Selby who using his Century E1000 sent out some outstanding casts with the 125 and 150 gram leads. The winning cast on Day 1 of 248 meters was a brilliant cast . It wasn't easy for Scott as he arrived in the afternoon after a long drive down with Ces and he had to get stuck straigh into it in the hot windy conditions.


( Eddie belting one out in the hot conditions )


( Murray showing his style OTG )

It was also pleasing to see a few new faces with Phil making the effort to come down with Nick and see what the casting was all about. Phil was using his threadline outfit match to a Daiwa Hearland rod and did well with it . The reel was loaded with braid which is his prefered fishing set up . After a while he did try one of my Century TTLDSM's to see how the rods handled the leads better.

Another top performer at the event was young Sarah Cracknell who came down with he dad nick and showed her style with a very good cast of 40+ meters with the threadline. We look forward to seeing more of the kids attending this and other events as they are the future of the sport.

( Young Sarah & Dad Nick at the award timing )

Day two of the event was to my mind the hardest of the championships with the temprature even hotter and drier with wind really playing havoc with everyones casts . We did have plenty of cold drinks to keep us all hydrated but it still sapped the stamina out of a lot of us. It may be a consideration for the future to have this event pushed out to March or even April to allow people to enjoy a less stressfull day.

The day saw all casters trying their best to get the leads to fly and I was impressed with the distances given the conditions .


Here are the results from the two days for people to see the fine efforts of everyone there.


Final presentations were as usual a pleasure to me with not only trophies for the top place getters and the open raffle prizes for everyone who competed but also when Eddie presented the 200+ meter certificates to memebers who had achieved that milestone in there individual casting development.

( Raffle prize winner - Tony with his Century 10'6" Spin Blank )


( New Australian Champion Scott Selby with Dad Ces and his Prize of a Century CCCLD )

( Third Place winner MIck Smajkic - brilliant 227 Meters in tough conditions )

I would also like to thank both Century and Ultima who are sponsors for the club . The prizes and use of the lines and shock leaders made this once again a top event for all present.

Looking forward to seeing even more people at the next event and hope that 2012 is a great one for PB's both on the field and on the water.
Thanks to everyone who made this event a great success.

I will post up video footage as well as links to more photos as soon as possible.

Regards :D

Re: 2012 Australian Championships

Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:19 pm

great reporting as usual jp

congrats to everyone involved

Re: 2012 Australian Championships

Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:54 pm

Brilliant report. Any Video Footage