Century 13' TTR into the wind

Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:14 pm

Well with the upcoming comp next weekend and time fast running out for any practice sessions I decided that I needed to take the beast out for a run. The conditions were far from good for practicing with a strong southerly wind gusting into my face with a fine mist of spray being thrown up I should have been casting 175 or 200 gram leads . But as I hadn't respooled any of my comp reels with the appropriate line and the fact that it was going to be into salt water I opted to throw only the 125 gram from one of my penn Squall 12's .

Getting to the beach I was confronted with whitecaps and fine sand coming off the beach , I was very glad for the Squall and proceeded to set up and get into it. As you will see in the video it was blowing but sadly in the wrong direction for the big distances. Still as I said better than being at work.
The rod performed extremely well and the recovery was brilliant, very happy with it overall and really looking forward to tomorrows session down at South Barwon where I will get a better footing and also be able to take advantage of any wind that may be left from todays blow :D .

If was funning casting in these conditions as a few time my balance was put off badly when hit by the gusting wind. Also as you will see the last cast for the session was brought about when the shock leader let go right at the sinker. That the problem when casting from a beach with a lot of fine shell grit that takes a toll on the shocky. :oops:


As alway hope this helps others and welcome for any hints or suggestions for improvement that I get :D