Casting help Limerick/north kerry

Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:29 am

Hi all

Been using a Penn mag with a diawa sand storm for fishing not the best caster but I get by. looking to upgrade to Ian golds rod and trying to learn the pendulum cast anyone around Limerick or north Kerry give me few tips or lessons.

Much appreciated if anyone help me out

Re: Casting help Limerick/north kerry

Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:35 pm

i would recommend goin to sports cast ireland bro, they have a few more casting days comin up before the summer ends, im from cork meself and a few of us travelled to wicklow to sportscast, and i must say it was WELL WORTH the trip. i had jus bought a penn mag myself a week r 3 before it and wasnt great at casting with it at all (first multi). After spending the day with the lads i was after DOUBLING my distance the lads are absolutly sound out man cant fault em at all really sound blokes!!! its a bita craic aswell like!!!!!

Re: Casting help Limerick/north kerry

Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:56 pm

Before learning to pendulumn cast you need to learn to cast Off the ground. I don't think there are any instructors in the area anymore so the casting day sounds like your best chance of proper instruction. I wouldn't worry to much about distance in the Estuary as you'll get fish close in on most marks (sometimes with 20 yards casts) but distance can help sometimes deepending on the mark. I would be happy to meet up for a session and give what advise I can on fishing at least. I have a how to off the ground cast instruction sheet that I printed from John Holdens site I could pass on. Worthwhile looking at this: