Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:37 pm
hi everyone just looking for some basic info if anyone wants to enlighten me. i bought a multi rod and reel my first and was wondering what the knobs were for, ive cast it a few times with varying success in a whole i,m impressed ive worked out the star wheel is the drag and was wondering about the knob which seems to tighten the sideways movment of the spool (how should i set this?) there is also another button on the other side which seems to make the ratcheting sound louder.
thanks in advance for any info the reel is a daiwa slosh 20.
Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:15 pm
the knob at the side is for controlling the speed of the spool via the brake blocks, if you bought the reel new then there's probably no brakes fitted to the reel, but they will be in a small plastic bag in the reels box, simple enough job to fit them. set the knob so that there is very little movement in the spool, this will leave the spool running slow, then when you get comfortable enough with your casting you can turn the knob a little more to loosen up the spool, this will make the spool run a lot faster and you should get more distance in your cast, but set it slow to start off.
Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:35 am
"the knob at the side is for controlling the speed of the spool"
This is a common mistake!! the end float knob is not a brake of any discription!
It is purely to centre the spool in the cage, ive seen lads with this knob tightened so tight that it has bent spindles, rendering the reel totally usless.
There should only be a tiny bit of latteral movement (1-2mm) of the spool, the only way to brake a reel is by using brake blocks, magnets or diff viscosity oil (in the bearings).
Once the spool is centered thats it you never need to touch that knob again.
Hope this helps
Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:59 am
thanks padyc and fishermannum, i looked a little more online and the button on the left i think is just a line out alarm noise thing, threw it around yesterday for an hour or so and am starting to get to grips with it, may take some casting lessons when weve more daylight to get the most out of it all. thanks again guys
Fri Jan 21, 2011 2:17 pm
thanks for correcting me on that one paddy, its just that i thought that it also made the brake blocks more effective, i'm still learning stuff
southaussie wrote:thanks padyc and fishermannum, i looked a little more online and the button on the left i think is just a line out alarm noise thing, threw it around yesterday for an hour or so and am starting to get to grips with it, may take some casting lessons when weve more daylight to get the most out of it all. thanks again guys
the only time i ever use the botton is if i'm using it on my conger rod, i can carry on fishing with another rod and if i get a run on the conger rod i can hear it.
Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:16 pm
Red brake blocks fitted and casting has improved, also adjusted spool endfloat, guys you are champions now to take it too the beach and get the line wet and hopfully a fish on the end of it.
Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:26 pm
Glad to hear you are getting to grips with it. Of course, you know that if you outcast me on our next outing, I will cut your line.
Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:06 pm
we should head out during the day
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