Well while I was down the park yesterday working with the TTR I also decided to put the TT sport and Daiwa 7HT through a bit of a workout and it was a very pleasant supprise. Still need to get the new style sorted and as with the TTR it's work in progress.
like the tropical backround noise too, much nicer than the crows and gulls we get over here
Re: TT Sport & 7HT Mag :-)
Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:06 pm
scannerman wrote:nice hit, plenty of power going in
like the tropical backround noise too, much nicer than the crows and gulls we get over here
and the dead deer
Re: TT Sport & 7HT Mag :-)
Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:10 pm
yeah the dead deer
had nice antlers though which i wanted to keep but having to somehow remove them from its scull put me off
Re: TT Sport & 7HT Mag :-)
Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:50 pm
scannerman wrote:yeah the dead deer
had nice antlers though which i wanted to keep but having to somehow remove them from its scull put me off
Where was the dear im looking for some deer head gear?
Nice casting btw
Re: TT Sport & 7HT Mag :-)
Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:50 pm
it was lying on the casting field close to where we set up but i tossed it under the hedge
one antler was broken half way down, the other intact, but they were'nt very large as it was a young animal
still, cleaned and polished would make interesting headgear for a stag party or perhaps decoy, although i would'nt recommend going about the wicklow countryside with them adorned on your head, lest it get blown off