Well we had a good day the other day, starting with a short casting session at a new field not far from Graham's place . To get out of the habit of hitting the cast to early and bullying the smaller leads both Graham and I started casting 175 gram and 200 gram respectively. Using my TT Sport Graham first got to feel the way the lead preloaded the tip as well as how it should step outside on the begining of the turn.
After driving him mad with these drills I told him to forget what i told him and on the next cast simply focus on looking up at 45 degrees which is a very steep angle and one that a lot of us do not do. With this simple thought he then proceeded to send the 175 gram lead down field , the expression of delight as the lead sailed away was very pleasing for me as it reinforced the key reason of why we do this and that is to have fun and improve our own personal targets.
As the weather was hot and the tide was looking good for a late afternoon/evening fish , Rocky , Graham and I headed down to the local beach front to try and get a few fish.
To his credit Graham was the only person to get a few fish, not big but enough to put a smile on his face as they were his first fish for 2010.

Graham's first victim for the night , a nice table size Flathead taken with the TTLD and Penn 535 )
It was good to see the young man putting his casting to good affect getting the baits put to the mussel beds where the Pinkies and Flathead were feeding. As usually happens once you get the first fish Graham then started to get a procession of small Pinky snapper that kept him busy baiting and casting out the two outfits.
Bait on this occasion was white bait that I had procured from Geelong as this is the number one bait in this area .

One of the Many Pinkies that inhabit the location - we do get bigger but not this time out )
With a fast diminishing bait supply we called it a night , three very contented mates - we had a good bite to eat , great company and a few fish to keep us busy. All in all a great way to spend the evening out.
