Well it was another great day with mates and family with Lee, Nick, Graham Smith, Graham Johnson, Murray, Mark and Julie Johnson and I attending with special guest Steve Lewis attending today’s casting at Lancefield. Conditions were sunny with a south to south westerly wind of approximately 10 knots with gusts coming in from the sides. Initially we were hoping for a carrying wind but this was not to be. The leads were being pushed down and casting was a lot more difficult that was initially hoped for.
Top honours went to our guest from England with a cast of 244.9 meters with the 150 gram lead. Steve did extremely well with the borrowed rods being my E1000 Eliminator and then finally with Lee's TTR Dig Danny special which was the same as what Steve has been using in England, it was this rod and Steve’s very last cast that did the deed and sent him into the top spot with an excellent cast under difficult conditions. All of the other casters did extremely well given the conditions and it was a hard fort battle.

Young Mr Lewis belting one down Court )
We had to do a court change mid afternoon due to the swirling winds and even then Mother Nature decided that she would have fun with us and still keep switching the direction making it very important to read the wind whilst you were at the Oche.
Nick did and really well with the 100 and 150 gram but due to leaving his favourite 125 gram reel at home I don’t believe was able to send on down court. Lee also cast well with many in the 230 to 240 range.

Current Australian Champion - Lee Andrews fighting hard to get the leads out )

Nick Belting another one down Field )
It was also good for the guy’s to try out a number of rods as I had brought down most of my rods being the Century Tip Tornado Lite, Match , Super Match and 2 sports as well as the Kopressor WR300, SS and Eliminator as well as the Zziplex, XTR Sport and ZTi. Added to these we had the TTR’s of Lee’s and Nicks and then the Zziplex M4 Evo and Primo Synchro of Graham’ s also the Tip Tornado low Diameter of both Murray and Graham Smith’s.
It’s a great opportunity for anyone wanting to see a wide selection of top quality products that cover the majority of fishing applications that we have in this great country.

The man & his machine behind the top Dark side Video's )
Special thanks once again go to Graham Johnson for organising the Score boards and providing the club leader line of
Ultima Powerflex 0.65 and 0.75 for all the weight categories.
It was also a pleasure to use the new
Distance line in
0.25, 0.28, 0.31 and 0.35mm. I am most happy with it as it once again allowed e to hit a new PB on the 100 gram lead.
The full results and video will follow once we get them sorted.
Once anagin I would like to thank all the people who made this a great day and especially to Steve who pulled himself away from his young Lady whilst visiting our great country.
A great way to Kick of the new years casting