wayward casting

Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:18 pm

Hi all,
as this is the casting section,i thought i'd ask for a few ideas on how to solve an annoying problem. :twisted: .I've been using a shorter rod recently with my zippy profile and for every cast on the shorter rod[12ft],the lead has been going well off target to the left.I use a sort of semi pendulum as still cant get my head around a full one.
The thing is i've never had problems casting straight before,i've tried aiming further right but to no avail.I got the rod for its bite detection which is brill but its doing my head in as i don't want to part with it but if i keep going well left,i'll have to.Any ideas or tips,the rod is'nt stiff in fact very tippy[daiwa awb 122m] and i love the feel BUT :!: :!:

Re: wayward casting

Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:14 pm

there a totally diff animal to the profile, where have you got the reel on the rod??

Re: wayward casting

Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:14 pm

Hi Paddy,the reel is just below the halfway mark on the butt.Its more a less the same as on the profile.I've been thinking of going higher and slowing the swing a bit,maybe that might help at this stage i'll try anything

Re: wayward casting

Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:41 am

Sounds like timming to me. The AWB,s were designed for high reel and a slower wind up,, try using a drop level with the reel (usually a good starting point) you need to slow the whole cast right down, once the lead passes you on the in-swing get your head and left arm up and keep your arms well out away from your body as you come round, try get the rod flatter for longer before you punch it up where you head is looking. you will be surprised how slow you can go, just keep it all smooth. Hope this helps

Re: wayward casting

Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:48 am

Thanks will def give that a go,and hopefully it will sort me out.