Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:17 am
just set up a 14 foot fixed spool rod and reel both grauvell ,besides my telescopic this is a set up i havnt fished with for a long long time it felt ok and was hitting about 100 yard,s with little effort , if i tried to hit the cast hard at the end the result was less distance .i know i need to experiment a bit and a session when its lashing rain isnt the best ie wet fingers and line but is their any big difference in style ? or do i just need to get a feel for the rod and reel over a few more sessions ?(managed a codling to :D )
Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:37 am
Hi Roger, I'd say a slow smooth hit is the way to go, lenghten the drop on your lead, this should slow your swing down somewhat.
Are you overhead thumping it?
Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:04 pm
kinda use a half pendulum might try an off the ground probably need to leave the bait at home and experiment with a lead to see what suits me best my old fixed spool rods were 12 foot and quite stiff the grauvell seems to bend alot more during the cast i tried a 16 foot titanium and hated it too long for me ,this rod was ok to start with so i recon a bit of practice and try different leads(5 oz+ bait on sat ) i will slow things down too ,its another bit of kit for comps i,ll keep at it :oops:
Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:18 pm
as far as i know roger all the grauvell rods are designed for the over head thump cast
Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:25 pm
will try the overhead cast do i thump eric before or after :?:
Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:14 pm
are you using a finger guard. it stops you getting your finger burnt . buy them in any chemist, they are not too expensive. after all you never know when you are going to need your finger in prime condition
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