Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:17 pm
Does it matter what setting you have the drag on when casting?? :roll:
Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:42 pm
are you talking about multi or fixed spool :?:
if using a fixed spool it pays to have drag tight if it is to loose during a powerful cast you could get line slippage resulting in a badly cut finger :wink:
on the other hand with multi if you tighten up to much you risk having a snap off if during the cast you get a slight turn on the handle and in turn you could engage the gears so it pays to play safe and back of on the drag on multipliers. :wink:
i know not all of the multipliers engage this way but its a good habit to get into better to be safe than sorry and all of that.
hope this spreads a little light for you :lol:
Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:17 am
Cheers John,
Yeah - was talking about a multiplier
Good advice - will follow it from here on
John. :D :D
Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:34 am
Good Advice there, back if off fully, I've had a few near misses with a tight drag and the reel engaging mid cast, nothing like a 150g lead coming back at you when it's going 100mph, see how quick your reactions are then!! :D
Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:07 pm
I might sound like my granny talking about a car engine or something here. but on some reals(multi's) have noticed that when the spool is disengaged that turning the handle rotaes the spool slowly as if it were retrieving(opposit to way she runs when casting). 7ht and slash do it, can't remember bout penns or abu's. but anyway to the point of my thesis!!!! if there is still a certain residual interaction tween gears and spool when its disengaged then the lighter the drag is set then faster she'l run?????
i'm clearly wasted in any job but lecturing in a science department
Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:25 pm
with older reels (e.g.525gs, 7ht i think) the spool was fixed on the spindle and the spindle rotated on casting..the only way the gears mechanism would slow the cast is if oil/water got into the pinion gear hole and created a vacuum between the spindle and the pinion gear..the drag will never affect the cast as the vacuum will never be strong enough to turn the pinion gear thus bringing the drag system into play..on the more modern reels (.g. 6500 mag) the spindle is held by a small clip in the right hand end cap and the only thing rotating is the spool itself..eliminating the problem of the vacuum between the spindle and the pinion gear..
I myself completely cleaned out the pinion and spindle on my 525gs one day while i was messing round with it spin time was up to 22 seconds, then put yellow rocket fuel in the pinion and it came down to 8 seconds, all sounds great only its near impossible to stop water getting into this joint while fishing....
Hope this helps
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