Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:13 pm
Just to keep you all up to speed, we have been in talks with the committee that look after the lands where the Tinahealy show is held (in Tinahealy) and they are very interested in letting us use it on a regular basis, once they have there show out of the way which is this comming bank holiday weekend we are going to have a meeting with them and try finilaise the details and dates, by all accounts its massive, not on par with the curragh but still ample for our needs.
I spoke to Dennis Ritter of the UKSF (and manager of the english casting team and well connected with CIPS and FIPS-the World governing bodys of casting) while we attended the Welsh international 5-man team event held by surfcast wales last weekend and he is more than happy to make enquries on our behalf to try and secure the curragh as its without a doubt the best venue in the country for casting so its not totally ruled out for us. I should have some news aronud the 12-15th aug and will let you all know asap, again i can only apoligise for the delay in getting started but its just a nightmare finding and securing a venue suitable for us as i'm sure you are all aware.
As soon as the results from last weekends comp are passed on to me i will put them up here as several irish casters recorded some new PBs while attending, and i also want to congratulate Andrew for an exceptionally good weekends casting coming 3rd overall on the 150g and 4th on the 125g, well done Charlie,, :lol:
Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:31 pm
well done in wales. i would have killed to see Mr. moeskops's 3 consectuve +300 yard casts and a new world record of 313
Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:36 pm
anybody elase out there know of a venue to get us up and running its dragging on a bit but i know its out of the clubs hands so if any one has any contacts eg a local farmer wiyh at least a 500 metre square field let paddy know . :!: