This is Appeal on Behalf of the U.C.C.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 8:38 pm

This is an Appeal on Behalf of the U.C.C.
The UCC Organisers and Casters are now faced with a Problem, the iniment arrival of Summer, means that the area where we cast will be crowded with walkers and holiday makers, thus making it uncastable.

This is an Appeal to anyone who knows of Suitable Flat ground where we can continue our events, specifications for such a Court include:

A Length/Width of 400yds+
Good distance from a Main road, But still accessable.
Within the 9 Counties of Ulster
Reasonably Flat.

If you know of any such areas in your vicinty please do not hesitate to contact any members of the U.C.C.

Thanks for your continued help and support.

Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:10 am


Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:23 pm

What about Andy's roof rack?

Seriously though - it might be worth enquiring about council playing fields somewhere. Sunday afternoons are usually quiet from what I can remember from my amatuer league days.

I'm sure a few farmers would be interested in 'renting' a field for the day. Anyone have any farming contacts?