Improve your angling , Cork.

Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:08 am


Interested in joining a club ?
Want to improve your catch rate or maybe learn how to pendulum cast?
Joining a club can bring your fishing forward and ofcourse is a chance to meet like-minded people and have a bit of craic.

West Cork and District have finished the 2011 season and will be starting the 2012 season in February.

The name is slightly misleading as we hold half our comps/outings in East Cork and the other half in the West, covering venues from Youghal to Bantry, so we're basically just a Cork club founded in Kinsale.

We have some outstanding anglers in the club including Irish Internationals and World Champions but they don't always get it there own way. Aswell as learning off them and others its nice to outfish them, when it happens . :D

If you're interested in seeing what we're about we'll be wetting a line over the Xmas period , give me a shout if you fancy joining us for a session on the beach.

And if you fancy joining the club it should definately improve your angling , it did mine anyway. :D