Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:44 pm
Would 40lb clear amnesia be alright for making up doggie traces, hokkai rigs etc. for the main rig body and also for the snoods. Alot of people seem to cut off the lures on shop bougt traces and lenghthen the snoods, how long should these be for the boats?
Sat Jun 19, 2004 12:34 am
Yeah, I'd think 40lb would be ok, though personally I'd prefer 50 or 60 lbs. Amnesia don't go that high, though. Better keep an eye on it if your doggies spin and wrap themselves up in it, you don't want frayed line. :shock:
Dunno about lenghtening snoods on shop-boughts, I just use them as they come out of the packet. :)
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