Deep Sea Fishing outside Cork Harbour.

Sun Aug 06, 2006 10:51 pm

I am Going deep sea fishing soon just outside Cork Harbour with my father, who is scared to lose sight of land, and I was wondering, if you went out just far enough that land was just in sight, would you be far out enough to get anything like Tope, or Skate, or even a Blue Shark and could you please list a few species for me which are catchable at that distance into the sea.

Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:39 am

Will you be using your own boat or a local charter boat.

Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:39 pm

I will be using a charter boat, for the day, but i need to know what species can be caught out from a boat withoout going to far out, as, lol im sick of catching nothing but mackerel from shore.

Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:33 am

Starting from inside the harbour
No. 6 buoy (on the drift) will get you plaice, dabs and dogs
No. 6 buoy (on anchor) will give you the same + blonde rays
At the harbour mouth the harbour rock will give you pollack, cod, and ballan wrasse on the drift
At anchor you can add conger from the bottom and garfish on a float.
Outside the harbour and down east you name it I've coughtt it.
4 miles off power head you can add good size whiting, haddock and ling.
You got a PM,

Thu Aug 10, 2006 9:26 pm

I don't know, i'm knew to the site, but thank you for your advice Donal, I really appreciate it