Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 3:04 pm

Can anybody give me any indication of how I'd go about dropping a few lobster pots off Dublin bay and what
kind of kit I need please. I've been looking up lobster pots Dondeal, but I'm not sure how much rope I need, what type of rope
how far apart I drop them, how I mark my Buoys etc to stop other people taking them.

Any help would be apricated.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 3:12 pm

This is probably the best video I've come across on the subject:

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 3:18 pm

Thanks. Is there anything in particular I need to know for Dublin?
Also, where would I get decent pots?

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 3:41 pm

ihaveissues wrote:Thanks. Is there anything in particular I need to know for Dublin?
Also, where would I get decent pots?

I've never done it myself, but do plan to when I eventually get my own boat. I've heard in certain areas some commercial fishermen might tamper with your pots so I'd steer clear of around Howth and Ireland's eye, and if it was me I would probably put my pots in a place where no one else usually does so not to step on anyone's toes (loss prevention really). I'm pretty sure it's best to put pots on clean sand just on the edges of rough rocky ground, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

I've been looking at this site for gear as they have really decent pricing:

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 3:58 pm

I was thinking of dropping the pots around Muglins Island, there weren't too many buoys around there, kind of worried about knots and loosing them!

That YT vid is very good, will follow that as an initial guide anyway.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 4:58 pm

The Fish Locker has a video up on how to make your own pots. He uses some kind of tubing, timber for the base and he shows you how to make the netting from string. I think it's a year or two ago.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 03, 2021 6:27 pm

You'll just have to experiment. Lots of commercial chaps seem to frown upon private pots but you are entitled to set them within the rules:
Make sure you weight your ropes and don't make a hazard to boats. ... ab-fishing

Re: Setting lobster pots

Tue May 04, 2021 12:51 pm

If your setting single pots make sure you set the distance between pot and float correct and allow for depth at high water. Make sure your float is visible and big /buoyant enough if your setting in a high current area, as the float can disappear even with enough rope much like a float in a fast moving river when its snagged. For the rope make sure its strong enough and comfortable enough for you to hand haul it, but equally not too buoyant. Make sure the floats are strong and visible

If your setting a string (more than 1 pot) make sure the distance between each pot is greater than the depth or you will find the weight to hand haul too much. Also a good idea to put a float on each end of the string, so that if you get snagged you can retrieve from the other end. As Jim said weight your excess rope at the surface so that your not responsible for entangling a propeller of some passer by. For this you can weave some lead line through the rope a few meters below the surface.

Make yourself aware of the legalities around Lobster and Crab. For Lobster, no V-Notched or damaged tail females or undersized ones or you could face a hefty fine. Have an official measure onboard. The fine was in the realms of €10,000 once.

Good Luck


Re: Setting lobster pots

Wed May 05, 2021 9:55 am

You can buy proper pots in the marine shop in Howth

Re: Setting lobster pots

Thu May 06, 2021 1:16 pm

Thanks for all the replies. Do you have any advice on what type of rope I need?
The vid above said about 9-10mm, but I'm not 100% sure chich type, Nylon etc?
I was thinking of getting these; ... ampaign=14

I'm using 10 ltr plastic containers for floats, I think that should do?

Re: Setting lobster pots

Thu May 06, 2021 10:42 pm

Huge potting community in this area, that are fishing for generations, pots can and do go missing. You are entitled to use up to 4 pots, I think it is, there are also limits to what you can retain in 24 hours, also big fines if your caught, local people pay thousands for licences boats and equipment to earn a living from the sea so choose your areas wisely.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Fri May 07, 2021 10:00 am

Do you mean people steal other people's pots because they aren't fulltime? Seems harsh.
Any advice on where I can put them that won't cause offence?

Re: Setting lobster pots

Fri May 07, 2021 11:42 am

It's dog eat dog, some have been known to lift other lads pots, cut markers off and shoot pots accross strings. Some have strings that long you would think there is only a couple of pots in an area, get to know the area and who fishes where.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 10, 2021 7:36 am

I did a year of full-time lobster fishing round North Clare in my younger days (1970s). John1 is totally right, its a hard no-holds-barred business that doesnt welcome intruders or hobbyists. Best stick to the rods, its more fun anyway.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 10, 2021 7:36 pm

You can always drop a pot while out fishing and pull it on the way home----but better not to intrude on other peoples living as pots tend to dissappeaer without recourse

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 24, 2021 2:33 pm

Right, all sounds very old school. Not sure what a few extra lobster pots in the vast Irish sea is going to do to these guys.
I don't get why they get a pass on this, if I can fish for a hobby. why can't I lob ester for a hobby!

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 24, 2021 2:59 pm

ihaveissues wrote:Right, all sounds very old school. Not sure what a few extra lobster pots in the vast Irish sea is going to do to these guys.
I don't get why they get a pass on this, if I can fish for a hobby. why can't I lob ester for a hobby!

I think it's only certain areas where it's very obvious it's being fished commercially, if you drop pots in an area where there are never any bouys you should be good. As for why they get a "pass", you can't really prove who or if someone has tampered with your pots :lol:

Another thing to consider is this, if you leave a fishing rod on the beach unattended , it's likely someone is going to take it eventually, I think it's also possible there are random theives at sea too!

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 24, 2021 4:33 pm

No commercial pot markers almost cetainly means no lobsters there. Experienced professionals dont waste time on barren marks!

Re: Setting lobster pots

Mon May 24, 2021 5:52 pm

Well I'm defo gonna hold off on it for a while. There have to be some places where I might get some crab
or something fun that won't piss of commercial fishermen. I'll give it some thought.

Re: Setting lobster pots

Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:18 pm

I got me some lobster pots now and caught a few nice brown and spider crabs already, but I also get tons of dogfish in these pots, even really big ones which I do not enjoy to handle in these small pots at all..
Is mackerel the wrong bait? I use 2-3 of them chopped in half, never leave the pots out longer than a day of fishing.