Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:48 pm
A few questions that people might help with:
1) With OB marine closed where would people recommend to have a 25 yamaha serviced close to Blanchardstown?
2) I have a 6 hp long shaft Tohatsu which I mount on the back transom beside the main engine rather than having an auxillary bracket put in place. This system does have problems as the width of the auxillary engine does not allow full turning radius off the main engine---the auxillary engine is 2 inch to wide!--is there any problems with this in peoples opinions? I am trying to move to a smaller back up engine eg 4 hp as the 6 hp is on the heavy side and will also allow for the main engine to turn fully?
All opinions welcome.
Regards in advance
Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:09 pm
I think Mike Clinton Of Clinton Marine services has more or less retired from that side of the business.
I hear good things about Viking Marine. I think Leighon is the man in Service.
As for the aux question. I don't run with an aux myself but I would think I would not like anything to compromise the main motor.
Tue Jan 21, 2020 5:53 pm
I use Leighton in Viking Marine Kilcoole, can't say enough good things about him.
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